We do not comply with asset products, but  anytime with the requirements of our customers.

Asset Management


Grüebler manages portfolios on behalf of demanding high-net-worth individuals and the pension funds of well-known companies based on individual management agreements. Investments are governed by individual strategies and constantly adapted to macro-economic changes as well as to changes at the corporate level. The strategy style is balanced and conservative, avoiding high trading turnover while focusing on top rated bonds and blue chip stocks. Special emphasis is placed on costs and taxes which can be responsible for major long-term performance differences.





We focus on direct bonds, shares, listed ETF's  precious metal and commodities.


Strong attention on transparency (total understandability and easy judgment of the investment) and liquidity (daily trading of all assets on open stock exchanges).


Hedge Funds and other alternative products are very rarely used at Grüebler as they can be substituted easily by a  an intelligent asset management. In addition, most of these products can be considered as games: they hedge small risks expensively while high risks remain open.



All assets of Grüebler’s customers are held in individual custody accounts administered by banks chosen by the clients. If desired, clients are advised and assisted in selecting a suitable custodian bank with low fees and high service quality.

Legal and Tax Advice


Since Grüebler is focused exclusively on portfolio management, customers are assisted by the firm’s network when they require professional, efficient additional services from specialized independent tax consultants and lawyers.



Grüebler’s reporting system provides customers with all necessary information in a very transparent form whenever needed. The firm’s ability to consolidate various accounts enables customers with several banking relations to easily review the overall status of their assets.



Furthermore, past investment actions are commented in detail (sales, purchases, switches, etc.), and investors are informed regarding the investment outlook on the basis of quarterly macro-economic analyses.

© Gruebler Investment Management Ltd
